Today I decided to throw away everything that is cluttering up my room. This includes the vast amount of pens that might or might not work. It doesn't matter how many pens you have, when you need one, you can't find any, and the only ones you can find don't work. Marbles. Why would I ever need marbles? I have light switches in my room. Why? Because they work. Not because I will ever need them. I probably will never use them. If I ever need a light switch, I would probably buy one and not even think about looking for one in my messy room. Lots of junk. I don't need a lot of stuff. How about
chlorophyll? Why would I need
chlorophyll? To break apart the mucus membrane in my digestive tract, thats why. If you have too much mucus lining your intestines and such, you can't absorb all the nutrients that you could from the food you eat.
A long time ago, I went to see a witch doctor. She wasn't really a witch doctor. She was interesting. We'll call her a which doctor. She had me lay on a table bed thingy. Clothed, thank goodness. Then she would put her hand right below my sternum and tell me everything that was wrong with me. "You're a lunatic," she'd say. No, not that kind of 'wrong with me.' She told me that my right knee would give me problems, and that my lower back vertibrae were all jacked up. She also said that I have a lot of mucus lining my intestines. I said, "Great!" I was really worried about that. Then she proceeded to fix me. She moved her hands around on my head. The weirest thing was that she never touched my head. She said she was moving the bones in my head. Each part of your body, each bone, organ, tissue, correlates to a bone in your head. Manipulating the bones in your head will effect the correlating body parts, bones, organs, tissues, etc. It felt like magnets. Electrical energy of some sort radiating from her fingers moving the bones in my head. To fix the mucus, she told me to get
chlorophyll. And then I would be able to digest food easier. Now I am so efficient in digesting food in my body that I don't have to go to the bathroom any more.