Sunday, November 20, 2005

No more pictures of Jasper!

I'm tired of seeing pictures of this dumb cat's eye. It's gross! This is not* Jasper!

* Not Jasper in the sense that he isn't himself anymore, since the infection. He's slowly getting back to normal. For anyone who cares.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Now Playing in iTunes

If you want to listen to the same song I am listening to right now, visit my iTunes Jukebox (beta). Since I am probably at work while you are reading this, I left my iTunes playing all day. Just for you folks out there that care. Goodnight.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Non-Poster Boy

This post is not for the faint of heart. The following is graphic in nature and should not be viewed if the following conditions apply: Food consumption within the last 3 hours Weak stomach Pregnant Heart condition Neck or back injury Click here at your own risk.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Jas the Ca

Jasper and his friend.
Jasper hiding from the eye drops.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

eye of the beholder

My lactose-intolerant, arthritis-striken cat had to go to the vet. Poor little fella. On the way there, pulled in to the bank behind an elderly gentleman. Instead of pulling in to a parking space and stopping, he hit the gas and jumped the curb and hit the pole almost flying through the front glass doors. Had to pry the door away from the fender so the old fart could get out. The blame? The new boots. That's even what he told the cops. "Are you hurt?" the cop said. "Just my back a little, it's these damn new boots." Robinson must have been extremely boring that morning because 2 cops, 1 undercover detective, and 1 firetruck showed up in about 35 seconds. Jasper has an eye infection and it stinks. How about when you take a drive to the bank. You're feelin' pretty good. An old pal drives by and gives you a wave. Just feelin' pretty good. Gonna get some money to buy something nice for the lady. Pull in nice and easy to the bank. Maybe a necklace and flowers. Hit the brakes and damn boots slide off onto the gas. I guess the lady'll have to wait. Gotta fix this damn pole at the bank.